Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm back after a short absence - I have been trying to find a good upgrade for the default template that Blogger provides, and I believe I've done it. It wasn't just "plug and play," however, to my chagrin. I've had to hastily learn about CSS and HTML to figure out what I needed to edit in order to get the look I was after, and fix a few things that didn't look right. Several days later, I think i've got it...

One of the nice things about WoW is that there is so many things to do, whether you are a casual player or a hardcore raider type. I've gone in cycles, but never really approached "hardcore" status, nor have I ever wanted to. One of the better end-game "casual" activities that can be done is to run the Battered Hilt questline. It's not cheap for a casual to do - the item to start it costs an arm and a leg on the AH. But, since my AH skill have improved, I made enough money to pick one up. My wife and I ran the line together, and the reward at the end of the semi-epic quest is a very nice weapon, much better than anything else obtained outside of raids.

We really needed it, too - we are trying to get better in the Arena, which is hard to do if you can't beat the other team quickly! Quel'delar has been a fine addition to my Unholy Death Knight's arsenal. If you have the means, and no raiding of ICC in the foreseeable future, definitely take a look at it! The Battered Hilt drops from Heroic ICC 5-man instances, and more often than not finds its way onto the AH. But, with a bit of cleverness, you can work a deal on the side and get a much better price! Good luck.


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