The whole experience was immersive and cinematic - from the cartoonish "cutscenes" where you advanced the plot, to the frantic music that played when you were rushing to your cockpit, to the satisfaction that you gleaned from each successful engagement. If you did well in your missions, you could even earn medals and accolades. What encouragement! I replayed many missions over just to fill out my chest with "candy." I still remember the few mission where you encountered one of the enemy "aces" - they were noticeably better than the typical cannon fodder, and downing one usually resulted in a loud "YEAH!" from the player (Yes, I'm guilty!).
All in all, what an amazing experience for a 14 year old playing one of his first PC games ever, in MS-DOS, on a 486SX with 1MB of memory and a 120MB hard drive. Those were the days!
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