Before I get into the meat of this post, a bit of background. We play on the Misha PVE server, and have since it was created in advance of the Burning Crusade expansion. Prior to Wrath of the Lich King, I only had one character, a Human Rogue, that I used. Alts never really interested me all that much. At Level 70, my wife and I tried out 2 vs. 2 arena matches, and experienced the severe gear disparity that newly created arena teams often face (along with general inexperience in this type of PVP). Once Lich King came out, we essentially forgot about Arena and focused on PVE. We even got into raiding with our mains (my wife's is a Human Fire Mage - she has more toons than me!) and got them decently geared in Naxxramas armor. Last year, we relocated to a new home, and WoW took a back seat to many other things.
Fast forward to recent history... About 2 weeks ago, I finally finished levelling the Death Knight alt that I'd made 1 1/2 years ago. Prior to that, I hadn't really given Nuadu much focus - my Rogue wsa always my main and that was all I cared about. But, the DK has grown on me. I have grinded BGs to get him fitted out in the best of everything available for honor points - not the best there is by far, but it's almost mandatory to even enter at the ground floor of Arena. So, finally finished, we started a 3v3 team with a friend of ours and tried to see how we did. Our team is this: Unholy DK, Resto Shaman, and Balance Druid. We don't really care what's the best composition, because these are the builds we like.
Our experience was mostly for learning - and we learned a lot. And also found that we lost, a LOT. I tend to get very frustrated when I don't produce results, but much of this is due to (as we found at Level 70) insufficient gearing and lack of experience in the Arena. So, hopefully with time we will progress and learn what it takes to be moderately successful.
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