Hello! For those of you of appropriate age to remember Zork 1, the title above will take you back a bit... Seeing that phrase meant you were at the beginning of one of the earliest and most popular adventure games of the early home computer era. Much as that phrase meant the beginning of a new adventure, so it does again here for me - I am new to the blogging world, and hope to impart some of my own experiences and thoughts as I continue through my own adventures from day to day.
A bit about me - I am in my early 30s, and a former U.S. Navy officer with nine years of memorable service under my belt. I served aboard several ships, deployed overseas many times, and got to work with some of the finest men and women the country has to offer. It is an experience that shaped my early adulthood, and one I would not trade for anything. It is because of that service as well as a prior interest in all things Navy that I intend to post thoughts about various aspects of that realm here from time to time.
I have many interests, one of which I share wholeheartedly with my wife - World of Warcraft. Though we would not by any means term ourselves "hardcore," since beginning play in December 2006, we have seen 90% of what the game has to offer, and we still love to play. I have been an avid computer gamer most of my life, from the time I wrote my own BASIC programs on an archaic Mattel Aquarius computer connected to the TV (and had no means to save my programs when the power was shut off!), to many years of a love affair with the Commodore 64, and into PC gaming in the early 90s with our family's first 486SX that I played the original Wing Commander (and MANY others) on.
So then, welcome, adventurer! I shall endeavor to make each post thought-provoking...or at the very least, interesting enough to make you want to bookmark me and come back for more!
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